Summer Art Events in Jackson Hole

As summer arrives, Jackson Hole becomes the ultimate holiday spot for people all around the world. If you’re looking for some summertime adventure, Jackson Hole has an abundance of it! From horseback tours to whitewater rafting, the place has everything you’d want for a great summer experience. Add the summer art events to the mix and you have yourself the perfect vacation for the holidays. 

The Art Association of Jackson Hole has been a part of the Jackson Hole community for years. It encourages individuals with creative instincts to explore the depths of art and nature. They aim to build a vital art community that can breed through education and appreciation of visual art. 

The Association has preplanned events throughout the year many of which take place during the summers. There are Art Walks during the summer and Ringholz Studios was one of the renowned galleries that took part in it.

The Ringholz Studio

The Ringholz Studios, a Fine Art Gallery in Jackson Hole, has been owned by the artist Amy Ringholz since 2014. The studio consists of all pieces of treasured art owned and created by the artist herself. The gallery isn’t just limited to paintings, it has fine art prints, drawings, and merchandise so you can feel free to explore your options.

The studio provides absolutely original artwork so you shouldn’t have any doubts about their authenticity. The studio provides many other services like annual art scholarships and an exclusive venue for private events.

With its refined artwork and extraordinary semblance of pieces that blend seamlessly with the mature aura of the studio, your experience will certainly be life-changing. The studio has great variety which means you’ll never run out of things to see or purchase. 

wild life art gallery

What does it offer?


When there are so many display options it’s hard to choose the perfect artwork for yourself. During these circumstances, the best way to get the painting of your choice is by personalizing it. The studio offers you the option of working with the artist and getting your vision to fit the painting.

Before the work begins, they collect a 50% down payment and will collect the rest once the piece is finished. It usually takes three to four months for a piece to complete. The website offers a quick and simple questionnaire to begin so any basic queries can be answered solely through it. 

Vintage paintings:

Ringholz provides its customers with all things original accompanied by a touch of history impeded within. The splash of color and semblance of time makes them that much more irresistible. It doesn’t hurt that they’re easy on your bank account. However, they do seem like the perfect choice from an investment point of view. 

If in the near future, you may want to sell your pieces, the studio has offered to provide you with some help. No one would know this market better than them. Trust them to give you sage advice.


Ringholz Studio is present at Broadway Ave, WY. It has plenty of space for parking and has many restaurants and bars near it. It is an active area where people often mingle and hang out. Having an event venue somewhere like this would certainly be the talk of the town.

Experience Unforgettable Parties at DUSK by Ringholz Studio

This is why Ringholz studio has introduced ‘DUSK’, a venue where you can host your parties and private events. Since it’s in downtown Jackson Hole, you’ll find it to be a secure and fun area to hang out at. 

The place comes with a completely prepped kitchen with an intimate setting of two rolling bars, five farmhouse tables, ten wooden benches, ten gold chairs, and more. The faux fur for benches does create a wildlife environment that might be exactly what you’re looking for in an intimate setting.

Celebrate in Style at Ringholz Studio’s DUSK Venue

There are perfectly clean separate restrooms for males and females as well. If you want to spice up the decor in any way, don’t hesitate to contact the studio. You never know they might have something better in store for you!

Art That Dazzles You

Those who appreciate art know what to look for when choosing one. Ringholz Studio makes that possible by displaying art that portrays beauty and wildness battling for dominance. It’s truly remarkable to see pieces like this displayed for all to gain access to. Ringholz Studio is a wonderful gallery for artists and creative minds alike to harbor and yield from. Visit the Ringholz Studio to enter the artistic empire of your dreams!